The 2018 Call for Awards Nominations is open! Outstanding Contributions to Research in EE

The Outstanding Contributions to Research in Environmental Education Award is presented each year to an individual who has made a significant contribution to environmental education through research in the following areas:
- Conducting EE research of a substantive nature that contributes to the theory and practice of EE;
- Reporting of EE research at professional conferences or in refereed journals or other research publications; and
- Promoting EE research through activities, such as serving on research committees or on editorial boards of research publications, teaching and/or serving on thesis committees, and designing training programs in research and evaluation.
To nominate an individual: Please complete the online version of the form at (you must be logged in to see this) and remember to submit the supplementary materials by email to if you don't submit them via the online form.
Or, copy the form items below into the body of an email, complete them, and submit it along with the required supplemental materials before the August 3 deadline to
Note that all nominators must be NAAEE members.
Email Subject Line: 2018 NAAEE Research Award nomination
To be included in main body of email:
Nominee Name: _______________
Nominee Title, Institution, Address, Country: _______________
Nominee Email Address: _______________
Nominator: _______________
Nominator Title, Institution, Address, Country: _______________
Nominator Email Address/Phone: _______________
[ if you have a co-nominator, duplicate this section accordingly ]
Please provide a brief summary of accomplishments of the individual nominated. This summary will be used for PR purposes and at the Awards Ceremony (50-word limit). _______________
Please provide the following supplemental materials:
- Letter(s) of support for the nominee. (Up to three letters/nominee will be accepted/reviewed.) Letter(s) should be 500 words max and no more than two pages in length, address the above-described criteria, and be submitted directly by the nominator.
- CV for nominee (may be submitted by nominator or directly by nominee). [Please use NSF style.]
Together, these constitute the nomination packet. Submit the packet with the form via email to
Questions? Contact the team, or Nicole Ardoin, 2018 Research Award Chair (, Brenda Metcalf, NAAEE Awards Chair (, or Alan Reid, 2018 Research Symposium Chair (
Please note the Referee Form checks the following:
- The nomination is aligned with the award that is it submitted for.
- Were letters of recommendation and documents of support provided?
- All required field were addressed on the application?
Referees are invited to read the nomination packet and rate: a) how well the nominee meets the criteria, and b) their contribution for each item of the award, and then c) provide a holistic, overall evaluative rating.
The focus of the panel is on determining whether the Award can be presented that year to an individual who has made a significant contribution to environmental education through research, showing sustained excellence and leadership in the aforementioned activities. If the panel cannot recommend the award be granted, i.e. Overall, across the nominees, their packets do not indicate a significant contribution to EE through research, demonstrating sustained excellence and leadership, the panel will not award in that year.
In light of this, letters of recommendation and documents of support will need to be clear about:
- When were accomplishments made?
- Why, specifically, the nominator believes the accomplishments represent distinguished service to the cause of EE or to EE research?
Referees are also invited to include additional comments related to the ratings (e.g. item specific achievements, overall patterns, gaps, any weighting considerations, feedback/concerns/commendations for the refereeing committee to note about the nomination, nominee or nominator, etc) to help the Panel and chair arrive at a decision.
The judging panel is comprised of the last 3 winners with, in most instances, the last but one serving as the panel chair (e.g. subject to availability). In addition, 2 representatives from the past cohort of winners serve on the panel, for a max 3 year term, and an independent member from the NAAEE Awards team. Adjudications, conflicts of interest, and/or other disputes are handled by the NAAEE Awards Chair.
Questions about the Panel or process can be addressed to the team or the current panel chair.
[ These materials were prepared by Alan Reid and Nicole Ardoin. They draw on consultations with past winners, the NAAEE Awards team, and members of the Research and Evaluation eePRO group, following meetings and discussions at NAAEE 2016 focused on reviewing and clarifying the research awards process. ]