2021 US-Taiwan Eco-Campus Partnership Program Award Ceremony

The 2021 US-Taiwan Eco-Campus Partnership Program Award Ceremony was held on Wednesday, December 22, 2021 in Taipei. This event was conducted to celebrate the collaboration of the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (Taiwan EPA), Taiwan Ministry of Education (MOE), National Wildlife Federation (NWF), and United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) on the Eco-Campus Partnership, and to recognize schools that were qualified for the Eco-Campus program. This year, six schools were awarded the Green Flag, 19 schools were awarded the Silver, and 26 schools were awarded the Bronze.
The ceremony invited Ms. Rhiannon Bramer, Economic Officer of the American Institute in Taiwan, to deliver remarks. Ms. Elizabeth Soper, Senior Director of the National Wildlife Federation K-12 education responsible for Eco-Schools in the United States, was also invited to give video remarks to encourage the awarded schools this year. The Taiwan EPA hopes to see everyone continue to work hard to promote this meaningful project.
Since 2014, the Taiwan EPA has been working together with the US EPA and the National Wildlife Federation to promote this partnership. For more information, please visit http://ecocampus.epa.gov.tw.
Read the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP) Eco-Campus case study here: https://thegeep.org/learn/case-studies/building-sustainable-communities-through-us-taiwan-eco-campus-partnership