Connecting to Nature: A Perspective From Joseph Bharat Cornell

Connecting to Nature: Going Outside
Joseph Bharat Cornell
Going outside expands who I am. Every encounter becomes a part of me—gray, granite outcroppings, dabbed with lichen and moss; tall, spreading oaks; calls of unseen migrating swans flying north. Contact with nature connects me with the spirit of life within and all around me. I grow and thrive, like fast growing bamboo.
This quote appeared on-line from Joseph: " Give others the gift of joy, serenity and a sense of belonging to the whole. Take them in a forest or on the seashore and let them consciously experience the deep charm and exuberance of nature"
Founder of Sharing Nature Worldwide, author of Sharing Nature®, and Listening to Nature. His newest book is: Deep Nature Play: A Guide to Wholeness, Aliveness, Creativity, and Inspired Learning.