Conservation and behavior change evidence-based research

Over the last few years, I have been asking colleagues if there is a database cataloging evidence-based conservation interventions. There are tons of these databases in the public health field. An excellent list is here. Many of these databases aggregate systematic reviews and meta-analyses and provide a recommended intervention that could be broken down by the audience, setting, and even strategy. I feel the public health field has been working on behavior change a little longer than the environmental field but we are catching up!
The exciting news is that NAAEE recently launched a database cataloging environmental education research. The database is a partnership with the Children and Nature Network with support from the Pisces Foundation. It has more than 1,000 peer-reviewed articles, summaries, and syntheses. Have you used it yet?
Some other databases I am familiar with for conservation behavior change, although not quite as robust as the public health ones, include:
Getting robust evidence-based research for conservation is so important. If you know of an evidence-based research database for conservation, please comment below.