eePRO Climate Change Education: NAAEE Conference Follow-up

To all who were unable to join us at the eePRO Climate Change Education – Lunch Discussion at the NAAEE Conference in October: I want to let you know what we discussed and decided! While we missed you, we hope you will agree with our plans to invigorate the eePRO Climate Change Education group and will join in our efforts this year.
First, several people were not clear how to get daily eePRO e-mail notifications whenever someone has made a new post. That e-mail also gives you a link to make it easy to go directly to the eePRO site and see the post(s). [Note: I believe I get one of these e-mails 2 or 3 times/week – so it’s not an overwhelming/un-manageable number of e-mails.] Kristen has put together the attached doc, with simple directions to enable each of you to go in and re-set/check the frequency of your notifications if you wish. You can also search for other eePROs in certain regions or with certain interests/expertise.
Second, the 20 people who participated in this discussion at the Spokane Conference said that they mostly or always used our eePRO site as a place to find ideas, noted that they could do more to contribute ideas, and agreed that they would ratchet up their eePRO participation. The purpose: to post and share what we are each doing, and reply to others’ posts so that we can all gain insights from one another and benefit from colleagues’ support as we continue to do this challenging work.
Noah Baker, Kottie Christie-Black, Tracey Calla, and Kristie Wagner have all posted in “Discussions” at in the last 2 weeks – so, we are off to a great start!
Please take a moment to look at their posts, click the thumbs-up/like button when you see something you like, and reply when you have time to encourage colleagues or add your insights.
Thanks for all you do to improve the amount and quality of climate change environmental education being offered to learners in your community -- and for sharing what you do to help all of us become better educators!!!