Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at Audubon

Need some inspiration for your organizational inclusion efforts? Here's how one national environmental organization is embracing diversity...
Audubon's Statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:
Just as biodiversity strengthens natural systems, the diversity of human experience strengthens our conservation efforts for the benefit of nature and all human beings. Audubon must represent and reflect that human diversity, embracing it in all the communities where we work, in order to achieve our conservation goals. To that end, we are committed to increasing the diversity of our staff, board, volunteers, members, and supporters, and to fostering an inclusive network of Audubon Centers and Chapters in all kinds of communities, from rural to urban.
Equity, diversity and inclusion is not only a best practice for business, it’s a strategic imperative. Our business and conservation strategies are enriched and made stronger by the contribution of the experiences, perspectives, and values of diverse individuals and communities. Protecting and conserving nature and the environment transcends political, cultural and social boundaries, and so must Audubon in order to expand our network’s reach and engage more people in protecting birds and habitat...
...to read more of Audubon's inclusion statement, and view their 5-minute initiative video, visit https://www.audubon.org/about/equity-diversity-and-inclusion-audubon