Green Schools Globally - Stories of Impact on Education for Sustainable Development

Authors/Editors - Annette Gough, John Chi-Kin Lee, and Eric Po Keung Tsang
Green Schools Globally brings together stories of the green school movements (Eco-Schools, Enviroschools, Green Schools, Sustainable Schools, ResourceSmart Schools etc); in several countries around the world, with a focus on the impact of the movement on the development and implementation of education for sustainable development in each of the countries. In particular, each story explains the history of the movement per country, its current status, achievements, obstacles and broader impact. Green schools focus on a whole school approach which aims to include everyone (students, teachers and the local community) to improve school environments, including resource usage and the environmental footprint of the school, to motivate students to take on environmental problems and seek resolutions particularly at a local level, but also thinking globally, and to improve students attitudes and behaviours as part of developing a sustainability mindset.
Country stories come from Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, Austria, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Kenya, Mexico, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, and a consortium of Western Indian Ocean countries.