The Journal of Environmental Psychology

Environmental Psychology, Division 4 of the International Association of Applied Psychology, is looking for a new Editor-in-Chief for its publication, The Journal of Environmental Psychology.
The Editor-in-Chief, Robert Gifford (University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada), manages the journal, in co-operation with two Associate Editors, Maria Lewicka (Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warsaw, Poland) and Jeffrey Joireman (Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, USA). The role is due to start on 1st January 2017, when the current Editor-in-Chief steps down. For further information on this call, please see
About the Journal
The Journal of Environmental Psychology is a leading journal within its field, with an Impact Factor of 2.640 and over 500,000 downloads per year. The journal serves individuals in a wide range of disciplines who have an interest in the scientific study of the transactions and interrelationships between people and their physical surroundings (including built and natural environments, the use and abuse of nature and natural resources, and sustainability-related behavior). The journal publishes internationally-contributed empirical studies and reviews of research on these topics that include new insights. As an important forum for the field, the journal reflects the scientific development and maturation of environmental psychology. Contributions on theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects of human-environment interactions are welcome, along with innovative or interdisciplinary approaches that have a psychological emphasis. The journal receives around 500 submitted articles per year.
Expressions of interest in the position, including a CV and a short cover letter, should be sent to the journal's Publisher, Mrs Kay Tancock ( by 30 June 2016. A stipend is attached to the position.
Further information about the journal is available at