The NAAEE Team Thanks You for Supporting Our Work!

We’re deeply appreciative of your generosity in supporting NAAEE and the field of environmental education. In return, the NAAEE staff would love to give you a gift during the End of Year Giving season. For every 10 donations received, we share personal “gifts” from the NAAEE team. These may be favorite recipes, artistic creations, playlists, or poems—a variety of treats as diverse as our team, all aimed to express our gratitude. At each 10-donation interval, we'll unveil a new surprise on our social media and on this eePRO page.
Please come back and visit as we update the page with new staff "gifts."
Thank you for making this work possible and for joining us on the journey to a world made better through environmental education.

Download the PDF:

Notes of Appreciation Playlist
Thank you for your support of NAAEE as we enter a new year! Your commitment goes toward shaping a more sustainable, hopeful, and just future. As a small token of our gratitude, we've created a special playlist of songs that bring us joy. We hope it makes you smile!
—Christy & Emily

Thank You Video from Piper, Saba, and Nina

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported NAAEE—your donations have a real impact on our work in North America and around the world. We wish you a wonderful holiday season!
— Nina
Happy New Year Song from Carrie
Thank you for supporting NAAEE and those working to advance environmental education! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!
— Carrie

Bug's Zine-Folding Guide

Thank you so much for choosing to support our work here at NAAEE! I know it's hard to find time, energy, and funds to even think about donating to anything, so I really recognize and appreciate you doing it.
Please enjoy these instructions for folding your own zine. Fill it with a story, fun facts, or whatever strikes your fancy. And have a wonderful end to your year!
— Bug
The K Switchel Mocktail Recipe from Grace

— Grace

"How to Sew a Stocking" Tutorial from Sydney

Thank you for your generous donation to support our work in environmental education! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!
— Sydney
Thanks so much for donating to NAAEE! You're the best! Feel free to download and use these as your screensaver, desktop, and/or wallpaper.
I just request that these images not be replicated, repurposed, or sold. Enjoy, happy holidays, and thanks again!
— Betty O