A Non-Traditional View of Lent Provides Environmental Educators Opportunity to Connect Audiences with Nature

The 40 days of Lent will be followed from February 22nd through April 6th of 2023. In the last decade or so, a secular version of Lent has become increasingly popular, providing an opportunity to expand one’s consciousness, improve one’s health, reduce one’s footprint, take a break from bad habits, or just find ways to enrich one’s journey. As Environmental Educators, this is a great opportunity for us to take a fresh look at our environmental connections and share some sage practices with our audiences.
Traditionally, Lent is a recognition, defined in Christian traditions, of the time leading up to and including the suffering and crucifixion of Christ. The 40 days of Lent prepare its followers for his resurrection on Easter morning. It is considered a time of mourning and seeking forgiveness during which followers sacrifice indulgences and may add spiritual readings to their daily routine, all by which to bring them closer to God.
Borrowing this platform of sacrifice and re-connection, we have an opportunity to re-evaluate and reground ourselves and our place in the natural world. It is an occasion to bring new habits into our lives that lessen our earthly impact. It also provides a new lens through which to work with others to stop using single-use plastics for 40 days, drive less or use public transportation for 40 days, buy local for 40 days, or pick up trash in their neighborhood for 40 days. That “40-day” window allows for a soft introduction to behaviors that we would like others to adopt.
Of course, we hope they continue these beneficial changes past those 40 days, but think about the impact that could come from more of us trying to reduce our environmental footprint, even if simply for 40 days.
What would you “sacrifice” to reconnect with the earth and soften your footprint?
Would you improve your health – spiritually, physically – or change a behavior such as removing the use of single-use plastics in your life?
What practice can you adopt to help sustain our world?
Can you share this with a friend or your EE audience to help spread your ideas?
A special “thank you” to our Interfaith Power & Light friends for providing this wonderful Lenten Calendar for 2023 (download available below). Use it as is or as a template to guide your Lenten journey this year. Please share your practices, ideas, and thoughts with us.