Reflections on the 2021 Green 2.0 Report

"NGOs are most likely to have resources set aside to finance their DEI efforts (99%), use feedback from previous assessments to inform decision-making (91%), and have entry level development opportunities for staff (94%). NGOs are least likely to have mentoring programs for staff (39%), transparent promotion processes (48%), transparent salary pay- scale (57%) and affinity or employee resource groups (63%)." –Green 2.0's 2021 NGO & Foundation Transparency Report Card
Have you read Green 2.0's latest report? How does your organization stack up?
Here are some of the questions that Green 2.0 asked regarding NGO's diversity and inclusion practices:
Do you have a transparent salary pay scale for staff?
Do you have a transparent promotion process?
Does your organization have a policy explicitly discussing diversity and inclusion?
Have you committed financial resources to your DEI efforts?
Do you have employee resource groups or affinity groups?
Do you conduct anonymous employee satisfaction and feedback surveys?
Do you offer development opportunities to entry-level staff?
Do you have unconscious or implicit bias training?
Do you have mentoring programs for staff?
Do you have a process for addressing racial discrimination, harassment, and microaggressions?
Is feedback on DEI progress used to adjust and modify efforts?
Does your organization offer paid internship opportunities?
I'm looking forward to chatting with other young and emerging professionals next week about some of these practices—and how to advocate for them. Please consider joining us on Zoom for a short 30-minute tea time chat on Monday, November 22 at 7:30pm EST.