Things I never thought I'd be doing. Thanks COVID-19.

Hey folks, I just thought we could get a rousing discussion on how the current situation is affecting our work, and what we are doing to move forward going. Oh and by the way, some amount to venting is expected and encouraged so we can commiserate with each other and perhaps find some answers from our colleagues.
Let me kick things off with a shortlist of things I never thought I would be doing but are now second nature.
1. Adjudicating unemployment claims.
2. Wearing a camouflage pattern face mask at work. (Well anywhere actually!)
3. Hiring and orienting two people almost completely online.
4. Taking my lunch EVERY day!
5. Planning to finish the last of four courses in a cohort-based EE certification program and meet the state's strict social distancing guidelines.
6. Enjoying my job despite all the extra difficulties and challenges that come with a global pandemic.
I invite you to share your list with the group and see if we can get some sharing going as well as some encouragement for each other!
1. Learning a LOT from fellow educators/leaders via free or low-cost webinars that would have cost hundreds to learn at a conference. #naaeerocks
2. Sitting outside a nursing-home window visiting a family member.
3. Enjoying daily noon-time outings with my college-age son.
4. Saying, "Be quiet! I'm getting on a Zoom call!" multiple times a week.