Amanda Alokpa

Amanda Alokpa (She/Her/Hers)


Duke University School of Law


Roles at NAAEE



Civic Engagement, Climate Change, Environmental Quality

I am Amanda Dzifa Alokpa. On May 11, 2024, I graduated from  Duke University School of Law with a Master of Laws and a Certificate in Environmental & Energy law. I will be working in the summer with the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development as a summer clerk.

I am passionate about combatting climate change, and contributing to this by educating young students and leaders about how they can influence environmental policy change.

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In Ghana, I was a Millennium Fellow, a member of the Class of 2019. While with the Millennium Fellowship,  I started a project, the CleanAir Ghana Project. My goal with the CleanAir Ghana Project, which I accomplished, was to educate elementary students on climate change, and how they can also contribute to a more sustainable community. 

The educative sessions ended with tree planting events, and student friends I made share with me updates on how the trees are faring. Some trees have died, but a majority of them have survived and are blossoming.

This Instagram link shows pictures of my first speaking event with the students and how that turned out.

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