Chelsea Byrne

Chelsea Byrne (She/Her)

Core Instructor

muddy sneakers


Roles at NAAEE



Biodiversity, Civic Engagement, Climate Change, Conservation, E-STEM, Ecosystems, EE Certification, Environmental Literacy, Forestry, Nonformal Education, PreK-12, Sustainability

I never know how to start these things. My name is Chelsea but Im known at work as Miss Cece or C squared if you're really into math. I work for a non-profit, Muddy Sneakers, that provides public school 5th graders with hands-on nature-based experiences in locally conserved free public NC lands. We teach them their science standards and how to be in and feel safe around nature. 

 It has been an honor to be a "transplant" from New Jersey and to have found a love of the state that runs deeply. Advocating for the Earth is something I've been doing since I was a child, learning to be wild in cranberry bogs and marshlands in South New Jersey. Since moving to NC I have found my place and focus in Environmental Education and I look forward to settling (Finally) into my dream career. 

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I started my education journey on an 11-acre farm in New Jersey. It was a family-owned daycare center that believed outdoor classrooms were the key to teaching kids, and youngsters, more than any four-walled classroom could. It was where I saw students who had struggled at other programs excel in ours. Montessori Pedagogy was our mainframe, and we expanded that to fit the ebb and flow of the students and parents we accommodated. I worked there for several years. learning how to apply different pedagogy that wasn't taught in public schools, and as someone who had struggled inside four walls, I saw myself excel where my students thrived. It was during this time I went after my degree in Psychology, and became entranced in the way the human mind worked. 

  Once I made my move from NJ to NC, I collided paths with Muddy Sneakers. Since then I've been working to uphold the mission of the non-profit and also expand my field of knowledge constantly. 

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