Fesnto Bigirimana

Fesnto Bigirimana


We Care Foundation


Roles at NAAEE





Greetings, I'm Bigirimana Feston, a 26-year-old native of Rwanda driven by a deep-rooted passion for positive change. Having spent my entire life in this beautiful country, I've witnessed the incredible potential for transformation that lies within its landscapes and its people.

I'm proud to be the Founder of the We Care Foundation, an organization born out of a desire to make a tangible impact in several crucial areas. Environmental sustainability is at the core of our mission, as I believe in preserving the natural beauty of Rwanda for future generations. Through our programs, we're working towards a greener, more sustainable future.

One of my fundamental beliefs is that the youth hold the key to lasting change. That's why youth empowerment is a cornerstone of the We Care Foundation. Through mentorship and innovative programs, we're empowering young individuals with the skills and confidence they need to become leaders and change-makers in their communities.

The foundation's reach extends to addressing essential issues like food security, education, and organizational capacity building. By providing resources and support to vulnerable communities, we aim to break the cycle of poverty and ensure that everyone has access to the basics for a better life.

Our approach goes beyond the tangible aspects of life. Spiritual enrichment is a crucial component of our initiatives, recognizing the importance of holistic well-being. Nurturing the spirit and mind is just as vital as addressing material needs, fostering a sense of purpose and resilience.

In leading the We Care Foundation, I see myself as a catalyst for positive transformation, striving to create a brighter future for my community and beyond. With every initiative, we're making a difference, and I'm continually inspired by the potential for change that lies within each individual.

Rwanda has a special place in my heart, and through We Care Foundation, I'm dedicated to contributing to its growth and prosperity. Together, we're proving that one person's vision and commitment can indeed create meaningful and lasting impact.

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I started my journey toward positive change at a young age, inspired by the resilience and spirit of the people in my community. As a student, in Theological College I understood the reason for living, driven by a passion for understanding and addressing the challenges facing our natural world. This educational background laid the foundation for my commitment to environmental sustainability, a cause that remains close to my heart.

The idea for the We Care Foundation began to take shape during my university years. Witnessing the pressing issues faced by my community, I felt a calling to do something more than just observe. In 2019, I took the leap and officially founded the We Care Foundation, driven by a vision of comprehensive and sustainable development.

In the realm of environmental sustainability, our foundation has initiated tree-planting campaigns, waste management programs, and awareness campaigns to promote eco-friendly practices within local communities. Collaborating with environmental experts, we've worked on innovative projects to reduce the ecological footprint and promote a harmonious relationship between humans and nature.

Youth empowerment has been a focal point of my work. I have been actively involved in organizing workshops, mentorship programs, and skill development initiatives aimed at equipping young individuals with the tools they need to navigate the challenges of the contemporary world. Seeing the transformative impact on the lives of these young people is immensely rewarding.

To address food security challenges, the We Care Foundation has implemented agricultural projects that empower local farmers with sustainable farming practices. This not only ensures a more stable food supply but also contributes to the economic development of rural communities.

In the field of education, we've established scholarship programs and learning centers, aiming to break down barriers to education and provide opportunities for those who may not have access otherwise. Education, in my belief, is a powerful tool for breaking the cycle of poverty and fostering long-term change.

My commitment to holistic well-being has led to the incorporation of spiritual enrichment programs within the foundation. Recognizing the importance of mental and emotional health, we organize events and activities that promote a sense of community and purpose.

Beyond my work with We Care Foundation, I actively engage with local and international organizations, participating in conferences and collaborations that allow me to broaden my perspective and stay informed about best practices in the field of sustainable development.

As I continue this journey, I remain deeply committed to creating positive change, driven by the belief that collective efforts, no matter how small, can lead to a significant and lasting impact.

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