Lily Jonsek
Pelican R&D
Roles at NAAEE
Lily Jonsek is a Park Naturalist for Caddo Parish Parks and Recreation in northwest Louisiana. She earned her master’s degree from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Her professional background is eclectic, spanning bioremediation research, cancer research, data management for a national education website with 30 million visitors annually and many years in environmental education. She is passionate about E-STEM and spends her time finding ways to introduce more children to joys of each letter in that acronym, hoping to inspire them to find their own wonders there. Citizen science is another passion of Lily’s. She encourages young and old to find the scientist in them, and perhaps awaken a sense of stewardship for natural areas big and small. She is a member of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Citizen Science Working Group, an international group working to raise the profile of citizen science and its contribution to sustainable development worldwide. She and her young son enjoy biking, camping, kayaking and playing music together.
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Lily Jonsek liked EE Week Resources NEEF on January 4, 2023
Lily Jonsek liked What Should Inclusive Science Education Sound Like? on January 4, 2023
Lily Jonsek liked The Changing Face of the Outdoors on January 4, 2023
Lily Jonsek liked The Changing Face of the Outdoors on January 4, 2023