Roger Peng

Roger Peng


FSC Camp


Roles at NAAEE




Immigrated from China, I came from a background with mixed cultures and religions. Grow up in Canada, I gained degrees and certificates in biological and life science, food science, business development,  English language teaching. I hold TKT teaching certificate and serve as a Cambridge examiner as well.  As a high school teacher and an environmental educator, I thrive to share my experience of nature exploration and multi-lingual learning with children who share similar backgrounds. 

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I was born in China and raised in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  Close to Banff and Jasper, I spent more time in the woods, mountains and tents more than in apartments. Enlightened by the power and beauty of nature, I then enrolled in Life Science and studied biological science and food science. I worked as a lab coordinator, a research associate, a business owner, a financial analyst, and finally a mom and an educator.  Now serving as a high school English teacher, I teach kids from various backgrounds and beliefs. I teach grade ten teens IGCSE English and elder kids in AS & A2 Level English as second language. Each year, I teach over 240 students across different grades and programs, and act as a Cambridge speaking exam examiner. Meanwhile, I actively participate in local environmental educational sectors and help to promote nature education for young kids aging from 3 to 12. As an environment activist, I take pride in animal conservation, environment protection and dedicate in raising nature awareness and plant awareness among young children. As a consultant in local community, I served as a nature class tutor and instructor, searching for nature spots, designing lesson plans and conducting nature learning camps for the children participated.  I find this path of career rewarding and satisfying as it influences the next generation. Within 3 years, I helped to hold over 150 camps with themes including STEM, social emotional and reading clubs in nature classroom. The value of NAAEE is what I have been searching for years, I wish to join as a member of NAAEE and continue nature education as my lifelong career.      

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