Patricia Valentino

Patricia Valentino



Roles at NAAEE



My name is Patricia but I like to be called Trish.  I am a North Carolina teacher of 19 years.  I have 2 grown children and 2 grandchildren.  I love the outdoors and would prefer to work outdoors.  Obtaining my evironmental educators certificate will give me a wealth of resources that I can use in my classroom.  I also look forward to educating my colleagues on how to use evironmental literacy in their classrooms.

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I have taught in North Carolina for 19 years.  For over half of my career, I taught at a public charter school that incoorperated the environmental theme throughout the school.  I truly enjoyed helping maintain grade level gardens and introducing/maintaining vermiculture in my 1st grade classroom.  Our students had an active roll in feeding and caring for the worms.  They were able to see first hand, the cycle of worm castings with the ultimate task of mixing the castings into classroom gardens.  In turn, our students helped educate grade levels throughout the school.  

I loved to take my students on nature hikes on one of our many school trails.  Students were able to read, write and draw while out in nature.  As I moved into the "big" public schools to to teach, I still try to interweave environmental education into the curriculum.

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