Peggy (Margaret) Harte

Peggy (Margaret) Harte (she/her)

Youth Education Program Manager

University of California, Davis Center for Community and Citizen Science


Roles at NAAEE



Biodiversity, Citizen Science, Climate Change, Ecosystems, Environmental Literacy, Evaluation and Assessment, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Nonformal Education, Water

As the Youth Education Program Manager at the Center for Community and Citizen Science at the UC Davis School of Education, Peggy supports researchers, students and educators (both formal and non formal) by designing and developing curriculum as well as professional learning opportunities around engagement with participatory science programs. Peggy co-collaborates in research on how community science projects engage students in deepening content learning as well as their connection to the environment as they develop environmental science agency.

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  • Instructional Science- Data to decision-making?: How elementary students use their Community and Citizen Science project to reimagine their school campus
  • National Science Teachers’ Association- Science and Children: Birds Near and Far Students investigate local environmental phenomena on campus and at a local pond 
  • California School Board Association: Shifting K-5 Science Instruction With Next Generation Science Standards Curriculum Adoption 
  • Ten Strands: Using Environmental Literacy as the Through Line, All Standards All Students: A Focus on Equity and Access 
  • California Association of Science Educators: Using Citizen Science to Support Social and Emotional Learning Needs During Covid-19 to Engage Students and Caregivers 

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