Centering Culture & Equity Through Community Engagement and Evaluation Workshop


Centering Culture & Equity Through Community Engagement and Evaluation Workshop

Photo of outdoor garden with workshop title, cost, and short description.

We would like to invite you to attend a full day in-person pre-conference workshop during November’s NAAEE Conference on Wednesday, November 6 from 8:30 AM–4:30 PM ET. 

Gain ideas and resources to design learning opportunities that uplift equity, varied identities, cultures and communities. This interactive session interweaves NAAEE’s Community Engagement Guidelines with culturally responsive, equitable evaluation through the eeVAL project.

Workshop registration fees (*$58) include lunch. You can find the detailed description below. Please let us know if you have any questions or particular excitement at!

*Please write to if you’d like to attend yet the $58 cost is prohibitive.

Join this supportive, engaged learning network dedicated to authentic engagement and equitable practice.This interactive session interweaves NAAEE’s Community Engagement Guidelines with eeVAL, which is informed by culturally responsive, equitable evaluation. Workshop participants: 1) learn how NAAEE’s Community Engagement: Guidelines for Excellence (CEG) intersect with eeVAL; 2) are introduced to CEG’s Equity & Belonging expansion materials as they relate to evaluation considerations, 3) gain relevant facilitation and programming ideas; and 4) receive guidance for how to design relevant learning opportunities in their respective community contexts. The Community Engagement: Guidelines for Excellence identify evaluation as a key resource to guide equitable social change, inform programming, and authentically engage community members. 

Consider joining us if you actively elevate equity and/or Justice40 in your community and/or your lived experiences reflect the US environmental movement’s historical privileging of identities, cultures and communities. Ideally, participants join as teams of 2 from an organization/community context. Some understanding of equity, program evaluation and community engagement is welcomed though not required. 

As a participant you would be expected to facilitate some sort of educational session and/or undertake an evaluative journey that centers culture and equity. We provide relevant resources, ongoing support and professional development opportunities as needed. 

This workshop will occur in two parts; attendees must commit to both. The first gathering will be in person at the NAAEE Conference, in November 2024. The second gathering will be virtual and will take a deeper dive on themes of equity and belonging. Participants will have a choice of December 3 or December 10, 2–5 PM EST for this follow-up gathering—please save the date that works best for you on your calendar for now!


Always good to be in touch,

Libby, Jean, Luciana, Susy, Katie, and Bora

Antioch University New England ee360 + team