Dr. Carolyn Finney Keynote Address NAAEE 2019 Research Symposium

Dr. Carolyn Finney, Franklin Environmental Center Resident and Environmental Studies Professor of Practice at Middlebury College, discussed data and participating in decision-making processes to help address environmental education issues during the NAAEE 2019 Research Symposium. On a broader scale, Dr. Finney shared her interpretation of current research methodologies in environmental education and provided insights on how to expand academic discussions to include everyone in the conversation. She challenged our field's theoretical and methodological edges, which shape our knowledge production and determine whose knowledge counts.
Dr. Carolyn Finney is a storyteller, author, and cultural geographer. She is also a Fulbright Scholar, a Canon National Parks Science Scholar, and received an Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Environmental Studies. She has served on the U.S. National Parks Advisory Board for eight years to help the National Park Service engage in relations of reciprocity with diverse communities.
eeINSPIRE: Sparking Innovation in Environmental Education
This webinar is also part of eeINSPIRE, NAAEE's new webinar series presented in partnership with the US Forest Service. This series is designed to bring new ideas and thinking to USFS conservation educators, but is open to all who want to sign up!