Five Guiding Principles: How Districts Can Use COVID Relief Funds to Advance Healthy, Green Schools

Thursday, July 22, 2:00 PM ET
The Federal government has approved $176 billion in COVID relief funding for K–12 schools in the last four months. A broad array of facilities investments are among the allowable uses. These funds represent an enormous opportunity to address and support student needs during the ongoing pandemic and to address persistent inequities.
To support districts and states, Center for Green Schools and UndauntedK12 published “Five Guiding Principles: How Schools Can Use American Rescue Plan Funding to Ensure Healthy, Resilient Facilities for Students and Reduce Energy Costs and Emissions.” This new guidance provides useful, actionable information for school districts as they consider how to use these relief funds to meet local needs. The resource identifies examples of school facility improvements as well as curriculum and training that both align with allowed uses and provide long-term benefits.
We will be holding a webinar to advise districts on accessing federal funds on Thursday, July 22 at 2:00 PM ET. Reserve your spot with the Center for Green Schools and UndauntedK12 to learn how schools can turn their one-time COVID relief funds into ongoing savings while reducing carbon emissions.
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