Great Lakes Watershed Field Course

Applications are now open for Inland Seas Education Association's annual Great Lakes Watershed Field Course professional development opportunity!
The GLWFC is a 4-day professional development experience for teachers from throughout the Great Lakes region taking place from August 8–11, 2023 in Suttons Bay, MI. Training in the course includes watershed and environmental concepts, place-based education and environmental education pedagogy, and time for curriculum development. Educators will learn how to engage students in local environmental issues, investigate solutions, devise a plan, and take action during this course. Inland Seas staff supports teachers throughout the school year with additional training, online forums, and other forms of assistance to help teachers implement their watershed-based stewardship action projects.
All educators, formal and informal, from the Great Lakes region are invited to apply. There is no cost for this experience, but space is limited to 30 participants. Interested educators can learn more and apply at The deadline for applications is April 24, 2023, by 5:00 p.m. EST.
Past participants shared:
"I've taught the water cycle for the past 10 years. However, I've never taken it to the watershed [level]. This course gave me tons of ideas, lessons, and standards for my classroom."
"The PD gave me concrete tools to use in the classroom and connected me with other teachers that shared great ideas. It gave me inspiration and a method for helping students solve problems."
"Exceptional quality learning experience. I haven't had something this engaging in my educational career since graduate school that ended in 2003."
“I’m grateful for the excellence of the program facilitators! I regularly encourage science teachers to get involved with ISEA. Thanks for being awesome and growing Great Lakes Stewards!!”
“I loved how the program was designed and executed. It was formative in my STEAM teaching, and I have since been working the lessons I learned there into my English and Civics classes. Thank you!”