NAAEE 2019: Educating for a Just and Sustainable Future

NAAEE's 48th Annual Conference and 16th Annual Research Symposium were held in Lexington, Kentucky under the theme "Education for a just and sustainable future." Each session has it's own learning post so that you can add learning hours individaully, or you can watch them in a group this post.
The Research Symposium took place on October 15-16 and featured keynote speakers Dr. Oren Pizmony from Columbia University, Dr. Nicole Ardoin from Stanford University, and Dr. Carolyn Finney from Middlebury College. The speakers discussed how social movements influence the education system, engaging individuals and communities in sustained pro-environmental practices over time, and how issues of difference impact participation in decision-making processes designed to address environmental issues. Below are links to the learning posts for from the research symposium:
The Conference took place on October 16-19. Plenary sessions included keynote addresses from Dr. John Flicker, President of Prescott College, and Mona Chalabi, Data Editor for the Guardian, and two panels that consisted of a group of sustainability leaders and the Class of 2019 EE 30 Under 30. They discussed the history and future of environmental education, data literacy and visualization, broadening the field to include new stakeholders, and what engaging with a new generation of environmental leaders means.
- John Flicker
- Flash Talks: Educating for a Just and Sustainable Future
- EE 30 Under 30: Young Leaders Making a Difference
eeINSPIRE: Sparking Innovation in Environmental Education
This webinar is also part of eeINSPIRE, NAAEE's new webinar series presented in partnership with the US Forest Service. This series is designed to bring new ideas and thinking to USFS conservation educators, but is open to all who want to sign up!