Professional Master's in Conservation and Restoration Science


Professional Master's in Conservation and Restoration Science

Master’s Program in Conservation and Restoration at UC-Irvine is accepting applications for Fall 2018

The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and the Center for Environmental Biology (CEB) at the University of California, Irvine are accepting applications for the Masters in Conservation and Restoration Science (MCRS) graduate program providing training for students interested in careers in the research and management of natural resources. Now accepting applications for the second cohort of MCRS students for Fall 2018! Sectors and potential careers for MCRS graduates include: non-profit land management sector, local and federal government agencies, and environmental consulting firms. For more information, visit the MCRS webpage (, or contact program administrators at

The MCRS degree will provide students with the academic and professional skills needed to study, protect, and conserve natural resources, and to hold leadership and management positions in environmental fields related to conservation, restoration, and sustainability. Potential applicants will need a B.A. or B.S. degree, preferably in the natural sciences (biology, conservation biology, ecology, environmental science, forestry, wildlife biology, horticulture, or similar degree title) from a fully accredited academic institution. Applicants with undergraduate degrees in other areas will be considered, but must demonstrate proficiency in the natural sciences and/or practical experience working in this professional field.

The program includes two years of coursework and activities, including 18 units of core courses (e.g., ecology, conservation science), 16 units of topical electives (e.g., environmental policy, land use policy), 18 units of technical and professional skills courses (e.g., technical writing, GIS), and 8 units associated with technical and professional workshops (e.g., regional professional gatherings). A collaborative, year-long group capstone project (12 units), aligned with community partners, integrates the program’s learning objectives and applies student’s new skills to key environmental challenges facing society.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The second round of applications will be reviewed for priority admission after April 1, 2018.