Teaching Climate Change in the Classroom and in Your Community

Date and Time: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 12 PM CT / 1 PM ET
In order to address climate change and associated social issues, communities need to be able to make informed decisions. Building climate literate communities presents a huge teaching opportunity involving local schools, universities, workforce development organizations, media, and decisionmakers. This session will introduce both a framework for teaching climate change that fosters productive, solutions-oriented conversation and a toolkit for building a climate teaching network in your community.
Haley Crim is the Climate Engagement and Capacity-building Coordinator at NOAA’s Climate Program office, where she designs and coordinates climate trainings for federal agencies and serves as the coordinator for the Climate Engagement and Capacity-building Interagency Group of the U.S. Global Change Research Program. She facilitates the development of climate education materials including the Climate Literacy Guide, maintains databases of US government climate programs and trainings, and reports on education and training activities to the UNFCCC. She can be reached at haley.crim@noaa.gov