Webinar - Place-based Education: Finding the Good in the Pandemic

Outdoors and place-based education got a big boost during the pandemic. Administrators and teachers realized that moving learning outside was a good way to avoid viral transmission. Once they were out there, they needed to adapt their approach to teaching – it had to be more real. And teachers also realized that students were more engaged and attentive. Let’s explore what educators learned from pandemic-inspired outdoors learning and look at some good practices in place-based education from across North America.
David Sobel is a Professor Emeritus in the Education Department at Antioch University New England. He consults and lectures nationally and internationally on place-based education, children’s relationship with nature and nature-based early childhood education. He is the author of a number of books, including Place-based Education: Connecting Classrooms to Communities which is available at Canada’s Outdoor Learning Store.