Call for Proposals for Science | Environment | Health Education Book Series


Call for Proposals for Science | Environment | Health Education Book Series

Book stack in the library room and blurred bookshelf

European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Special Interest Group 4 Science | Environment | Health (S|E|H) is pleased to announce a call for chapter contributions to our planned edited volume, "Transfer Perspectives in Science|Environment|Health Education: Bridging Knowledge and Practice," to be published in the Contributions by ESERA Science Education Research Series by Springer Nature.

This book aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of Science | Environment | Health (S|E|H) pedagogy, with a special emphasis on the mechanisms and impacts of knowledge transfer across these interconnected fields. 

All chapters should be research-based. We are looking for contributions for our edited book that encompass a wide spectrum of approaches from diverse regions around the world. To ensure both the conceptual unity of the book and the quality of each contribution, all authors should be prepared to engage in the collaborative elaboration of the overarching concept and in the reciprocal review of other chapters. Scope and Themes: Health, medical, and environmental issues are complex, with limited predictability, and they require a holistic approach that encompasses—in addition to the scientific perspective—meaning, qualities, values, and freedom. They ask for co-creation and co-design and thus for going beyond the socioscientific issue approach (e.g., Zeyer et al., 2023). We are seeking contributions that address, but are not limited to, the following themes: 

1. Conceptual foundations of transfer of S|E|H in science education 
2. Innovative teaching methodologies and curriculum development in S|E|H 
3. Case studies of effective knowledge transfer in science, environment, and health contexts 
4. Collaborative efforts with policymakers, industry, and community organizations 
5. Technological advancements and digital tools in S|E|H education 
6. Ethical, cultural, and global considerations in S|E|H pedagogy 
7. Challenges and future directions in S|E|H education 

Submissions: Interested authors are invited to submit a chapter proposal, including a title, a short abstract (250–300 words), and a brief biography highlighting relevant expertise and publications to, proposal submission deadline June 30, 2024.  Full chapters (approximately 5000–7000 words) will be requested upon acceptance of the proposal.

Provisional Proposal Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024 Email to 
Information event and project discussions on Zoom: July 2024 
Final Chapter Submission: May 2025

Please feel also free to forward this Call to any colleagues that might be interested or particularly interesting for broadening our perspective for the book.

Reference: Zeyer, A., Álvaro, N., Claussen, C., Enzingmüller, C., Gavidia, V., Malmberg, C., Mayoral, O., Parchmann, I., Urbas, A., & Kremer, K. (2023). Two-Eyed-Seeing and Scien fic Holism in a New Science|Environment|Health Pedagogy. In G. S. Carvalho, A. S. Afonso, & Z. Anastácio (Eds.), Fostering Scientific Citizenship in an Uncertain World. Selected Papers from the ESERA 2021 Conference (pp. 293309). Springer.