EcoRise: Climate Action in the Classroom for K-12 Teachers in the Metro San Antonio Area


EcoRise: Climate Action in the Classroom for K-12 Teachers in the Metro San Antonio Area

Join EcoRise, City of San Antonio staff, and other community partners to explore opportunities to connect and empower area youth in San Antonio’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP).

In this interactive learning experience, we will dig in the CAAP and use design thinking to connect tenants of the plan to existing programs and explore new possibilities. Break-out sessions will be tailored to the needs of the group and incorporate opportunities for collaboration, sharing resources, and discussing best practices. 

Shared Vision for Engaging Youth in the CAAP

San Antonio has a strong and active youth demographic that can be powerful allies in promoting the CAAP. We strive to empower San Antonio’s next generation of climate champions with the tools they need to become effective advocates in their community. We will leverage partners, local networks, leading-edge resources, and vast experience of the community in supporting and empowering students to engage San Antonio youth in the climate conversation, with a strong focus on engaging youth of color and students that have been historically underrepresented in the environmental movement.

All registered participants who attend will be eligible to receive up to $600 in Student Innovation Funds for Eco-Audit grants.