Environmental Education in Higher Education – Chat and Accreditation Q&A

Environmental Education in Higher Education – Chat and Accreditation Q&A
Friday, December 20, 12:00 Noon Central
Whew! The semester has come to a close and it is time to reflect on what we’ve done and look ahead to what we want to accomplish. Join in to share your own experiences, learn from colleagues, and explore ideas to improve your efforts. If you have specific questions about accreditation in higher education, we can answer those, too!
To get a Zoom link and add the event to your calendar, register here: https://wisconsin-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMlcOCprz0iHt2kkOpSwlasLEW6HeQ0Bv_F
This webinar is funded by ee360+ (a consortium of 26 partners led by the North American Association for Environmental Education and funded by the U.S. EPA).