Global EE Group Dives into the Ocean and Marine Education

The ocean regulates the Earth’s climate, supports biodiversity, contributes to our economies, and is inextricably intertwined with cultures worldwide, yet it faces a multitude of challenges. Overfishing, marine biodiversity loss, plastic pollution, ocean acidification, and coral bleaching are just some of the challenges faced. Marine educators also face complex challenges. Many people don’t live near the ocean and thus may lack a connection to them. Even those who live in coastal areas may face limited access to the ocean as a result of time, financial, transportation, or other barriers. It is critical that we work to empower our communities with both the critical knowledge of marine ecosystems and the skills and motivation to protect them.
With World Ocean Day upcoming (June 8th), over the next two months the Global EE group will dive into the topics of our ocean and marine education. We will share stories from individuals working in this field and have our first “Global EE Talk.” This event will include short presentations from marine educators and time to connect with others passionate about working to preserve these critical ecosystems. This will be a space where participants can build out their networks and share their insights, experiences, and resources. Stay tuned for more details coming shortly on our Global EE Talk by joining the Global EE Group and subscribing to the Global Environmental Education Partnership’s (GEEP) newsletter! We hope to see you there!
Explore resources related to the ocean and marine ecosystems from the GEEP and its network:
GEEP eBook:
- Latin American Marine Educators Network: A Step Forward to Connect Marine Educators in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
- BLAKE New Zealand Virtual Reality: Using Virtual Reality to Educate about New Zealand's Marine Environment
- eBOOK Chapter on Ocean Literacy coming soon!
Bright Spot Video from EE 30 Under 30 Changemaker Grantee Quek Yew Aun: