Grow Artemis Moon Trees!

NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement Next Gen STEM project is excited to kick-off the upcoming school year with a one-of-a-kind opportunity aimed at engaging the Artemis generation in activities focused on Earth science and global stewardship! Nearly 2,000 tree seeds of 5 different species traveled into lunar orbit aboard the Orion spacecraft as part of the Artemis 1 Mission, thousands of miles beyond the Moon. The seeds spent close to 4 weeks in space before returning to Earth to be studied and germinated into seedlings by the USDA Forest Service.
These Artemis Moon Tree seedlings (link) will need care takers and you will have a chance to apply for one through NASA’s Artifact Module. Museums, universities, federal agencies, including NASA Field Centers, and K–12 serving organizations are eligible to apply and take ownership! As a requirement, potential recipients will register through NASA Gateway and NASA CONNECTS (Connecting our NASA Network of Educators for Collaborating Together in STEM).
More than a half-century ago, NASA astronaut Stuart Roosa, the command module pilot for the Apollo 14 mission and a former USDA Forest Service smoke jumper, carried tree seeds into lunar orbit. The Apollo 14 Moon Trees were grown into seedlings by the USDA Forest Service and eventually disseminated to national monuments and dignitaries around the world, with a large number distributed as part of the nation’s bicentennial event. NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement Next Gen STEM Project partnered with USDA Forest service to launch the newest generation of Moon Trees, a celebration for the future of space exploration with NASA’s Artemis Program!
Educators can utilize a variety of resources to lead interactive lessons around your Moon Tree including NASA’s Moon Tree STEM Tool Kit as well as Forest Service’s Moon Trees LIVE Distance Learning Program and Natural Inquirer Moon Trees materials.
Join the Artemis Moon Trees Info-Session on August 17th from 4:00–5:00 PM CST to begin the journey for applying for a Moon Tree and inspiring the Artemis generation to engage in NASA’s mission in exploration and discovery. We are looking forward to branching out with you!
August 17th, 4-5p.m. CDT on Microsoft Teams (Click here to join the meeting)
Meeting ID: 286 004 516 782
Passcode: rjK5iu
What an awesome opportunity! Thanks for sharing with our e-STEM community!
My students were asking me last year how plants grow on the space station. This is an amazing opportunity!
The meeting is on my calendar!
Excellent, thank you so much for sharing, I look forward to learning more!