Children's physical activity is associated with modifiable features of the built environment

de Vries, S. I., Bakker, I. ., van Mechelen, W. ., & Hopman-Rock, M. . (2007). Determinants of activity-friendly neighborhoods for children: Results from the SPACE study. American Journal of Health Promotion, 21, 312-316.

The purpose of the Spatial Planning and Children's Exercise (SPACE) study was to examine the association between factors of the built environment and children's physical activity in 429 children, ages 6-11, in six cities in the Netherlands. Physical activity diaries, neighborhood observations and measures of height and weight were utilized. The authors found that children's physical activity was associated with several modifiable factors of the built environment, such as the proportion of green space, residential density, type of housing, impression of activity-friendliness of the neighborhood, presence of sports fields and cycling tracks, etc.

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