Book: Chasing Bats and Tracking Rats: Urban Ecology, Community Science, and How We Share Our Cities

In this charmingly illustrated book, Chasing Bats and Tracking Rats: Urban Ecology, Community Science, and How We Share Our Cities, the author, Dr. Cylita Guy features the stories of a diverse group of scientists and "in the process, Guy reveals how social injustices like racism can affect not only how scientists study city wildlife, but also where urban critters are likelier to thrive."
About the Author and Illustrator
Dr. Cylita Guy's is a science communicator and storyteller, data scientist, and your friendly neighborhood Batgirl. Listen to one of Dr. Guy's hilarious fieldwork stories, "A Shirt Full of Bats," on The Story Collider.
Cornelia Li is a Chinese born illustrator currently based in Toronto, Canada. She is intrigued by narrative weaved into daily interaction between people and their surroundings and set out to capture the relationship by externalize the ideas and emotions into elements in her images.