Bread Bike

BREAD BIKE is Sam, Matt and Mariah, three energetic young people on California's central coast who were unfulfilled with what they studied in college. They have a passion for dough—the bread kind—and love making food for other people. Now, with their passion for baking, their desire to create community, and their belief that everyone loves good food, they've turned their hobby into their profession.
Directed by Beth Gage, George Gage
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"Through trust and friendship Sam, Mariah, and Matt are building a working model of sustainable living by combining healthy baked goods with locally sourced grains and bicycle delivery. The trio's vision for building community through healthy food reconfirms that solutions to many of the world's problems are all around us if we 'think globally, act locally.' " Evan N. Shenkin, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Linfield University