Climate Change Education and Climate Justice Resources

We have curated a list of resources to learn more about and help educators teach about climate change and climate justice. Please let us know which resources are most helpful to you and let us know about any others that you would recommend, either in the comments below this post or email
State Organizations
Ten Strands (California): Ten Strands focuses on increasing environmental literacy through partnerships, high-quality environment-based learning, and hands-on education to all California K–12 students.
UCI Math & Science Climate Change Investigations (CCI) Program (California): The UCI Math and Science Climate Change Investigations (CCI) Program is a free cross-curricular professional development series to connect secondary math and science teachers looking for remote teaching support through climate science.
CLEO Institute (Florida): The CLEO Institute works with communities across Florida to support climate crisis education and advocacy, and mobilize climate action.
Gulf of Maine Research Institute (Maine): Gulf of Maine Research Institute's Climate Center focuses on identifying climate solutions, including helping fisherman identify climate-resilient fishing strategies, preparing communities for sea level rise, driving climate-ready fisheries management, and educating the next generation of ocean stewards.
Mass Audubon's Climate, Outreach, and Education (Massachusetts): Mass Audubon focuses on community engagement and education to facilitate conversations about science, climate change, and how to address real world impacts in communities, with an emphasis on equity and justice.
Climate Generation (Minnesota): Climate Generation engages educators, youth, and the public to build climate literacy and develop advocates through a model of collaboration and partnership.
The Wild Center (New York): Through climate summits, toolkits, education resources, and more, the Wild Center's Youth Climate Program works to engage young people globally to take action on climate change.
Climate and Resilience Education Task Force (New York): Launched in May 2018, the Climate and Resilience Education Task Force increases capacity for interdisciplinary climate and resilience education in New York City's K-16 schools.
WE ACT for Environmental Justice (New York): WE ACT ensures people of color and/or low income residents participate meaningfully in the creation of environmental health and protection policies and practices.
Communitopia (Pennsylvania): Communitopia identifies, researches, and advocates for climate solutions through new media and project-based campaigns.
Shelburne Farms Climate Resiliency (Vermont): The Climate Resiliency Fellowship at Shelburne Farms is a year-long professional learning opportunity for educators interested in using interdisciplinary and place-based approaches to climate change education.
ClimeTime (Washington): Beginning in 2018, the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction—in collaboration with the UW Institute for Science + Math Education—created ClimeTime to build education capacity through teacher training, curriculum development, evaluation strategies, and more.
Nationwide & Global Efforts
Alliance for Climate Education: Through education, action toolkits, and fellowship programs, the Alliance for Climate Education is engaging high school students to take the lead on climate solutions.
CLEAN Network: The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Portal curates collections of climate and energy science educational resources to support professionals.
Forest Service Climate Module: Produced by the USDA Forest Service, FIND Outdoors, and other cooperators and partners, the Natural Inquirer Program compiles climate change resources organized by grade level, ranging from Pre-K to High School.
K12 Climate Action: To support schools become a force for climate action, solutions, and environmental justice, K12 Climate Action is holding a listening tour, developing an action plan, and building a coalition of youth, parents, educators, school leaders, advocates, researchers, policymakers, and more.
NASA Climate Portal: Browse professional development courses, workshops and resources in NASA's Climate Portal.
National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation: NNOCCI offers resources and training to increase our collective impact in advancing climate action.
National Wildlife Federation Climate Change Education: By collaborating with advocated and filmmakers, the National Wildlife Federation has developed classroom resources for climate change education.
NOAA Climate: Visit the link to search the NOAA Climate landing page for timely news, reusable maps and data about climate.
NOAA Teaching Climate: Teaching Climate offers learning activities and curriculum materials, multi-media resources, and professional development for formal and informal educators.
NSTA Climate Change Resources: The National Science Teaching Association compiles research articles, reports, web seminars, news, blog posts and more for science educators.
The Zinn Education Project: Encourage students to learn about climate justice through these free teaching activities provided by the ZInn Education Project.
UNESCO Climate Change Education and Awareness: Climate Change Education and Awareness is part of UNESCO's Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) programme. This portal provides the latest news, publications, videos, videos.
Research Organizations
Frameworks Institute Research on Climate Communication: FrameWorks approaches climate change conversations by helping translate science concepts in more accessible and effective ways to reach a broad audience.
Sabin Center for Climate Change Law: The Sabin Center for Climate Change Law and the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund jointly tracks government attempts to restrict or prohibit scientific research, education or discussion, or the publication or use of scientific information through the Silencing Science Tracker Initiative.
Sustainability and Education Policy Network: As part of the Sustainability and Education Policy Network, the Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Change Education (MECCE) Project advances global climate literacy and action through improving the quality of climate change education, training, and public awareness.
University of Washington College of Education Institute for Science + Math Education: The University of Washington Institute for Science + Math Education studies innovative K-12 STEM projects in formal and informal learning environments.
Yale Program on Climate Change Communication: Through a partnership model, the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication engages the public in climate change science and solutions.
Reports and Publications
Climate Change and Human Health Lesson Plans: Browse through these education resources promoting student discovery and learning about the interactions between climate change, the environment, and human health.
Making the Grade? How State Public School Science Standards Address Climate Change: From the National Center for Science Education and the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund, this report investigates to what extent public schools are helping students prepare to responsibly engage in civic deliberation on climate change and possible solutions.
NAACP Environmental & Climate Justice Resources: Browse a compilation of environmental and climate justice resources and find reports and toolkits, campaigns, blogs and publications, certifications, webinars and more.
National Association of Biology Teachers Position Statement on Teaching About Climate Change: In this statement, NABT recommends instructional frameworks that engage students in classroom discussions and in laboratory investigations to support climate science education.
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Resolution on Literacy Teaching on Climate Change: NCTE's position statement encourages teachers and teacher educators to evaluate texts for scientific credibility, lead students to engage thoughtfully, and work with teachers in other fields to embrace interdisciplinary instruction on climate change and sustainability.
NSTA Position Statement on The Teaching of Climate Science: The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) provides a number of recommendations to support high-quality K-12 science education taught with evidence-based science.
Responding to Climate Change: A Primer for K-12 Education: The purpose of the primer is to offer research-based understandings of how ministries of education, school divisions, and schools can help inform and empower climate action.
State Policy Landscape 2020: The report explores where states have policies supporting schools in increasing climate action and identifies opportunities for growth.
Zinn Education Project - Teaching Climate Justice: The Zinn Education Project launched the "Teach Climate Justice" campaign to provide classroom lessons, educator workshops, and additional recommended materials.
Climate Change and Justice Resources
Advancing Climate Change Environmental Education: This publication was created by environmental educators in EECapacity's 2013 Climate Change EE Project-Based Online Learning Community Alliance.
Beyond Doom and Gloom: A Resource to Empower High School and College Students: The Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability compiled resources to support faculty in teaching students about civic engagement and clean energy.
Books on Teaching Climate Change Communication, Eco-Literacy, and Eco-Justice: Recommendations and reviews on books for teaching topics in climate change education.
CAMEL Climate Change Education: CAMEL is a free, comprehensive, interdisciplinary, multimedia resource for educators teaching about climate change.
Changing Climate, Changing Cities: A Virtual Field Trip From Phoenix to Shenzhen + Teacher Guide: The Nature Conservancy's newest Nature Lab Virtual Field Trip, "Changing Climate, Changing Cities," is for educators of students in third through eighth grades.
Climate Change Education and Research: Possibilities and Potentials Versus Problems and Perils?: This article introduces key features to the background, themes and implications of three collections available in Environmental Education Research that focus on climate change education and research.
Climate Change Education Resources: Free, downloadable curriculum resources on climate change and energy.
Communicating Climate Change: A Guide for Educators: This PROPick features an easy-to-read book written by Anne K. Armstrong, Marianne E. Krasny, and Jonathon P. Schuldt to help environmental educators who want to help others learn more about climate change.
Community Climate Change Education: A Mosaic of Approaches: Created by the NAAEE Community Climate Change Fellows and EECapacity, this book is for practitioners and innovators and features twenty-six stories from the field.
Green Careers for a Changing Climate: This documentary introduces students to Green STEM Careers as a solution to climate change.
Identifying Effective Climate Change Education Strategies: University of Florida analysis of peer-reviewed research revealed that climate change education programs achieve a variety of positive outcomes.
Using Storytelling to Advance Climate Change Education and Action: Download materials from the NAAEE Climate Change Education Group's "Using Storytelling to Advance Climate Change Education and Action" Symposium.
WWF Climate Change Educator Resources: WWF compiled a range of publications, web tools, and resources on the impacts of climate change on wildlife.