Community Engagement: Guidelines for Excellence


Community Engagement: Guidelines for Excellence

This set of guidelines focuses on community wellness and is designed to help environmental educators create inclusive environments that support effective partnerships and collaborations.

The guidelines were developed using a process of critique and consensus, similar to the process used to develop all of the other Guidelines for Excellence publications. The public review process involved gathering input from hundreds of educators, including focused feedback collected from content experts representing a variety of fields (e.g., diversity, community partnership building), a 16 person National Advisory Team, a wide range of stakeholders, and a Professional Learning Community (PLC). Many of the case studies were researched and drafted by members of the Professional Learning Community. Finally, a 25 item toolkit augments the guidelines. Toolkit resources help users dive more deeply into aspects of environmental education and community engagement that may be unfamiliar to some practitioners. 



Make this resource more accessible in the EEPro Search. It does not appear when the key word "community" is used. I had to enter the exact title in the search box -- which is fine, since I knew the exact title, but may not work for others.

Consider creating an additional category for the NAAEE Guidelines series that makes it easier to find these excellent resources, and supports the NAAEE brand.

In reply to by Elaine Andrews

Hi Elaine! Thank you for your valuable feedback! We appreciate your suggestion to enhance the searchability of resources like the Guidelines, and will look into improving the search functionality and creating a dedicated category for the Guidelines series. We are committed to continuously improving our platform better serve our community. Thank you for helping us make eePRO better!