"Dance Me To The End Of Time" Documentary

DANCE ME TO THE END OF TIME is a deeply personal film about love in the face of death. Filmmaker Melanie Chait documented the last four years of her life partner, London theatre director Nancy Diuguid's life, as she fought breast cancer. Woven into Nancy's story are insights from ecologist Rachel Carson, whose Silent Spring exposed the health danger of pesticides as far back as 1962.
Nancy grew up on a tobacco farm in Kentucky, where small planes regularly sprayed their farms with pesticides. This film explores the impact of pesticides, not only on the environment but also on the human body by journeying with Nancy as she navigates her cancer treatment and the tremendous love that is shared in doing so.
DANCE ME TO THE END OF TIME is not an extended meditation on death, but a celebration of an energized and involved life.
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"The story of Melanie Chait's devotion to her life-partner Nancy Diuguid unfolds alongside an exploration of the persistent dangers of cancer-causing poisons in our environment...The film leaves us with hope that the lifework of visionaries like Diuguid and Carson will not be in vain." Lisa H. Sideris, Professor of Environmental Studies, University of California-Santa Barbara, Co-editor, Rachel Carson: Legacy and Challenge