Earthwalks: an alternative nature experience


Earthwalks: an alternative nature experience

Looking for a new way to help connect your visitors to the earth and its life beyond the typical “follow me, gather ‘round” technique on many outdoor walks? As a leader do you want some straight-forward techniques and ideas to lead a different kind of walk in nature? A new book, Earthwalks: an alternative nature experience by Steve Van Matre and The Institute for Earth Education (IEE), provides details on how to organize Earthwalks so participants can better experience natural places. Earthwalks focus on using our senses to enrich feelings of Joy, Kinship, Reverence and Love for the earth. Along with detailed leadership guidelines there are 50 new and revised activities to help those from 9 – 90 years old enjoy the earth.

Link to full book review:

Link to IEE Sourcebook: