Green 2.0 Nationwide Voters of Color Polling Results on Climate Change

Green 2.0 Nationwide Voters of Color Polling Results on Climate Change
This poll captures how voters of color are moved by issues such as diversity in environmental groups, candidates addressing climate change, how voters see climate change impacting their communities, and much more.
Key Findings
- Midterm voters of color are hopeful and motivated to get involved with the progress the U.S. is making on climate change, even as overall midterm voters feel frustrated by the progress being made. A clear majority of voters believe it is important that the groups and organizations working to address climate change are racially and ethnically diverse shares are even stronger among voters of color.
- Outside of the economy, climate change has broken through as a top priority among overall likely midterm voters and voters of color it is now equally as important to them as abortion, immigration,and gun violence.
- Voters are overwhelmingly concerned by the perceived worsening impacts of climate change especially voters of color of which three in four are worried about climate change. Voters’ sense of urgency to address the issue is even stronger.
- Our research finds that climate change alone can decisively influence voters’ choice of candidates at the ballot box this November Voters of color are overwhelmingly more likely to support a candidate for Congress who has “addressing climate change” as one of their top three priorities. Messaging only improves support for such candidates.