International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education (IJECEE) Volume 9, Number 1

A peer-reviewed open-access electronic journal promoting early childhood environmental education for global readership and action, The International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education (IJECEE) publishes scholarly written works pertinent to the education of all young children (birth to eight years). Articles include book reviews, educational approaches, evaluation models, program descriptions, research investigations, and theoretical perspectives—all anonymously and expertly peer-reviewed.
Articles in this issue include: Special Issue Editorial Note—"Rethinking Play in Nature: Embracing Early Childhood Education for Sustainability” by Victoria Carr, University of Cincinnati, USA; Sue Elliott, University of New England, Australia; and Eva Ärlemalm-Hagsér, Mälardalen University, Sweden; Research—"Connecting the UNESCO Sustainable Development Goals with Australian Early Childhood Education Policy to Transform Practice” by Lisa J. Sonter and Sharon Kemp, Queensland Early Childhood Sustainability Network, Australia; “Skills 4 Kids Cafes: Working to Support SDG 4 through Delivering Early Childhood Educator Professional Learning in Partnership with Community” by Kim Beasy, Sherridan Emery, and Di Nailon, University of Tasmania, Australia; Diane Boyd, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom; “Student Authors, Children’s Literature and Early Childhood Education for Sustainability: Findings from a Pedagogic Research Project” by Nicky Hirst and Catherine Wilkinson, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom; “Affordances of Small Animals for Young Children: A Path to Environmental Values of Care” by Inger Lerstrup, University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Louise Chawla, University of Colorado Boulder, USA; and Harry Heft, Denison University, USA; “Canadian Nature-Based Early Childhood Education and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: A Partial Alignment” by Elizabeth Boileau, Lakehead University, Canada; Ziad F. Dabaja, University of Windsor, Canada; and Debra Harwood, Brock University, Canada; and “Business as Usual”? Or Transformative and Transactive Teaching Leading Towards the Agenda 2030 Goals in Swedish Early Childhood Education by Eva Ärlemalm-Hagsér, Mälardalen University, Sweden and Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Gothenburg University, Sweden.