Natural Wonders: A Guide to Early Childhood for Environmental Educators

Environmental educators have recognized the need to provide specialized programming for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their families. Likewise, record numbers of parents, daycare providers and early childhood educators have begun seeking out nature centers, zoos and museums as places to help their not-yet school-aged children learn, grow and develop an appreciation of and love for nature.
This guide was written especially for naturalists and environmental educators who are interested in learning more about how and why young children think and act. The guidelines offered here will help educators design developmentally appropriate programs and activities.
Children will have room and time to play, explore, experiment, run, leap, balance and climb; time to nurture friendships and learn about caring and sharing; and a chance to discover for themselves the beauty and wonders of nature.
I have used this resource countless times and have passed it along to colleagues to assist them. It might not be the most recent resource out there, but the foundations and principles in the documents are sound. So, take the document for a spin, share it with your colleagues, and tell me what you think.