Por La Creación Faith-Based Alliance

Por La Creación Faith-Based Alliance
Created by the Hispanic Access Foundation, the Por La Creación Faith-Based Alliance is a stewardship and advocacy network of Latino faith leaders around the US. Priorities include land and nature, rivers and watersheds, ocean and coast, climate change, and generational stewardship.
As part of this alliance, members can:
- Make a difference in a network of high-impact leaders who learn, teach, and celebrate the stewardship of God’s creation
- Participate in interactive online workshops and discussions led by experts in the fields of conservation, climate change, advocacy, and more
- Meet with decision-makers, media, and organize or participate in town halls and petitions
- Yearly national conference located in a beautiful setting with peers/mentors (includes travel & lodging)
- Networking opportunities and networking building
- Receive grant opportunities to organize congregational or community events
Apply online to join.