The Rhythm of the Beach


The Rhythm of the Beach

Rhythm of the beach book cover

The book is intended as an inspirational, educational exploration of the natural wonders and inner reflections to be found in nature.  

More than just a natural history of the beach, it provides kids with observations that encourage them to appreciate how the beach environment changes with the seasons. 

Even more importantly, it advocates linking this sense of rhythm and purpose to a more mindful approach to experiencing nature: "Take rambling walks in nature with no outcome in mind. Find time and rituals to observe your daily and seasonal rhythm."

The result goes beyond the usual focus to introduce kids to life rhythms and how their own choices and experiences intersect with and affect the environment.

Adults who want youngsters to feel more connected to and engaged with this world will find The Rhythm of the Beach's simple nature drawings and its survey of selected beach creatures recreates that rhythm in print and art for picture book audiences. This lends to a deeper personal reflection than is usually presented in this format.

I have provided the book in pdf format for free for educators to use.  Hardcopies can be purchased from major online retailers or direct from my author website. 

I hope it provides joy and inspiration!