Environmental Ed Post-Election Analysis Released & Thurs., Dec. 1 Advocacy Call Agenda

Please Read and Share the NAAEE Post-Election Environmental Education Policy Analysis
The analysis balances the opportunities and challenges the field faces in achieving our policy goals. Please share it with your colleagues, funders, and trustees.
https://naaee.org/eepro/resources/environmental-education-advocacy-post (Word doc download).
Advocacy Call
Thursday, December 1st, 1-2:00 pm ET. Call-in: (712) 432-1212, ID: 639-367-277.
Preliminary Policy Agenda for the 115th Congress
ESSA in the federal budget, and state implementation
Climate Education Act
Advocacy on the state level
2016 Wrap-up and Organizing for 2017
Thank yous
Join our future first Thursday advocacy calls, 1-2:00 ET.
- Jan. 5, 2017 - our annual Advocacy 101 training. Spread the word!
- Feb. 2, 2017 - launch of critical federal appropriations campaign.
Brock Adler, Chair, Advocacy Committee, NAAEE
Sarah Bodor, Director of Policy and Affiliate Relations, NAAEE