Excited To Be a New eePro Group Co-Moderator

Hello from western Colorado! It is an honor to serve the NAAEE community as a co-moderator of the Guidelines for Excellence eePro group. I find this community to be priceless when needing to bounce ideas around, seek feedback, and celebrate colleagues' great work.
A bit about myself. I am an independent contractor in the water and river education realm with my business, Wild Rose Education. My projects have included creating the Youth Water Leadership Program, co-creating the new River Training Center for the River Management Society, developing and teaching the Western Rivers Teacher Workshops among others. In all of my work I'm striving for excellence by using on the newest teaching strategies, implementing proven tools and resources, and leading by example in taking a few risks trying out new stuff. Being a reflective educator is my goal and it's a pretty fun and inspiring adventure most of the time.
This year I am serving as board president of the Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education after serving on the board for the past 5 years. I am also a member of the Guidelines for Excellence Trainers Bureau. My experiences with NAAEE have included co-authoring an Environmental Issues Forums guide around Colorado water scarcity and serving on the Colorado ee360 state team. I am also a Master Certified Environmental Educator and have my earned my MAEd from the NAAEE acredited Hamline University NSEE program.
You can follow my blogs and learn a bit more about what I'm up to.
I look forward growing my community and learning from all of you - talented passionate environmental educators. I hope that we may meet in person when feasible and connect virtually when possible. May we all continue to grow as educators who are striving for excellence.
- Sarah Johnson
Looking forward to working in this group with you and all the other eePRO members, Sarah! See you soon in Spokane!
In reply to 1557 by Victoria Derr
**joining Bora and Renee**
Hi, Sarah. Congratulations on joining Bora in moderating this forum. Looking forward to working together with you and others in promoting the Guidelines for Excellence. The Youth Water Leadership Program you created is so neat! I love seeing young people participating in discussions about important issues. Take care.