Fresh Tracks Leadership Expedition

Y'all, have you heard of Fresh Tracks Leadership Expedition? It is COOL. It is beyond cool. Supported by Natural Leaders Network and IslandWood, Fresh Tracks is an innovative cross-cultural experience for 15 young adults ages 18-25, half of whom are from Compton, and half of whom are from rural Alaska. In early August they met in the middle at IslandWood on Bainbridge Island, WA, where they began to learn about one another and gain some shared experiences. On August 5th participants traveled from Washington down to LA, where they've been taking hikes and learning about ecology and culture of Compton and surrounding Los Angeles. Soon they will head north to the Arctic, where they will learn about native traditions and impacts of climate change on local communities.
As stated by Islandwood, outcomes of this program are cultural competency, civic engagement, workforce education, and hometown stewardship. Not to mention the sense of wonder, ownership, and connection these young adults will no doubt acquire through travel to new places and while showing off their homes to new friends.
A short news clip can be found here, and to follow their journey, check out the IslandWood blog and the Natural Leaders Network facebook page.
(cover photo found here)