Major Environmental Education Advocacy Updates

- Federal FY 2018 spending bill sets level funding for environmental education (EE)
- Great support for House FY 2019 appropriations; local thank you notes needed (see link below)
- Senate FY 2019 appropriations support effort coming in the next couple of weeks
- Advocacy call, Thursday, April 5th, 1-2 EDT
The FY 2018 federal appropriations bill included level funding with FY 2017 for the EPA Office of Environmental Education, at $8.7 million, and $12.5 million for NOAA EE programs. Thanks to everyone who helped on this last March.
A record 76 House members signed appropriations letters in support of level funding for FY 2019 EPA and NOAA EE programs. EE advocates solicited this support, making more requests than last year, which resulted in 20 more signatories than ever before.
All the latest details, including a big request to send thank you emails, are at: We hope you can help with this critical aspect of the effort.
And we are poised within a few weeks to connect with our U.S. Senators, to enlist many of them to also speak up for EE in the funding process, and will really need your help, so watch for details soon.
Finally, please join us for our next advocacy call on Thursday, April 5th, 1-2 EDT. We'll be covering the Senate appropriations support letter campaign that could be in progress at that point, as well as the upcoming Climate Change Education bill, that we will be helping to sign-up Congressional cosponsors. Log-in/call-in details to follow the week of the call.
As always, thank you for your help in securing the future of environmental education!