Perspectives, Challenges and Innovation in Research - call for abstracts for WEEC2017

Dear Colleagues
On behalf of the Socio-Scientific Committee of the World Environmental Education Congress, we invite you to submit an Abstract that addresses the Congress Theme: Perspectives, Challenges and Innovation in Research | Perspectives, Défis et Innovation en Recherche | Perspectivas, Retos e Innovación en las Investigations.
This innovative, interactive and international event is scheduled for September 9-15, 2017, in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Sessions can be offered in any of the three working languages of the Congress: English, French or Spanish -
Perspectives, Challenges and Innovation in Research
Presenters and participants are encouraged to share, reflect on and discuss the(ir) researching of environmental and sustainability education (ESE). A critical review of the focus, design and outcomes of research – what has worked and what not, on what grounds, and with what implications for the field of ESE research – is strongly encouraged.
Perspectives, Défis et Innovation en Recherche
Présentateurs et participants seront incités à partager, analyser et échanger leurs idées sur leur recherche respective dans le domaine du l’éducation à l’environnement et à la durabilité. Une revue critique de l’approche, élaboration de la problématique et résultats de la recherche (ce qui a marché ou pas, sur quels critères, et quelles implications pour le domaine de la recherche en l’éducation à l’environnement et à la durabilité) sera grandement encouragée.
Perspectivas, Retos e Innovación en las Investigaciones
Los ponentes y participantes estarán invitados a compartir, reflexionar y charlar sobre la/su investigación de la educación en el medio ambiente y en la sostenibilidad. Un análisis crítico del enfoque, del diseño y de los resultados de las investigaciones (cuál ha funcionado y cuál no, el porqué, y cuales son las implicaciones para el campo de la educación en el medio ambiente y en la sostenibilidad) será altamente valorado.
Please note that the wider list of congress themes, listed below, separates what is inseparable, and the congress themes need to be considered as interconnected. Wherever possible, abstracts (300 words or less) should aim to create links among strands. Proposals can also be directed towards a teacher/educator or researcher audience (or both).
The submission site is now ready to receive your proposals. To begin, go to and click on “submit abstract” under the program menu, or use the address below.
You will be prompted to register for the site and submit your abstracts.
The deadline for submitting abstracts is March 31st, 2017.
We welcome your support in both circulating and responding to the call for this theme, and the general call more broadly,
Kind regards,
Alan Reid, Nicole Ardoin, David Zandvliet
Research theme coordinators and congress chair
PS For further information about the congress, session formats, contact information for questions, and responses to FAQs about submitting and Abstract or the Congress, please visit the Congress website via, or contact the organising team,
An initial sense of the schedule can be gleaned from:
Please note that we anticipate the congress pivot day, Monday 11th September, will include a special event related to this theme.
Pre- and post-congress events (workshops, retreats, networking, capacity building, etc.) on research are welcome but must be arranged separately from this call and theme.
About the 9th WEEC
The 9th World Environmental Education Congress is in Vancouver, Canada, September 9-15, 2017. It is an international meeting point for everyone working with education for environment and sustainable development or which have an interest in the field. Thus WEEC 2017 is an opportunity to learn more about the latest in environmental and sustainability education, to discuss with people from all over the world, to share your own work and to learn from others. We are expecting participants from a wide range of countries.
Examples of participants:
- Researchers and educators at universities
- Teachers teaching all ages
- Students
- Folk high-schools
- Local, regional and national government agencies, municipalities
- Officials from international organizations
- NGOs
- Managers of parks and protected areas
- Private companies who are interested in environmental and sustainability issues and in education
- Media/press
The title of the Congress is CulturEnvironment: Weaving new connections (see for more details). The Organizing Committee for the congress is the Institute for Environmental Learning (IEL) in cooperation with the WEEC Permanent Secretariat. Hosted by Simon Fraser University, the Institute for Environmental Learning is a collaborative of researchers and practitioners committed to high quality environmental and sustainability learning in British Columbia. Our members come from a variety of institutions including universities, colleges, school districts, community groups, non-profit organizations, and provincial and regional governments.
In consideration of themes and programming for the 2017 congress, the local organizing committee envisions a broad and inclusive view of topics on environmental and sustainability education that will highlight the impact of urban ecosystems and local, place based initiatives that can be translated into practices on a global scale. Of particular interest is the interplay among cultural and environmental factors which are at play in a region such as British Columbia.
The Congress will pursue the following themes:
- Early Childhood Education and EE
- Place-based Education and Local Outdoor Learning
- Architecture and Green Design
- Arts Based Approaches in EE
- Agriculture and Garden-Based Learning
- Global and Cultural Diversity in EE
- Urban Eco-systems
- Environmental Communication (and Uncertainty)
- Indigenous Knowledge and EE
- Ethics Lead Learning and Sustainability
- Social Responsibility and Agency/Activism
- Nature as Teacher / Nature as Researcher
- Global Policy and Environmental Education
- Perspectives, Challenges and Innovation in Research
The congress will discuss the role and importance of education for environment and sustainability at all levels; both in higher education and for lower ages.
Two main categories of abstracts can be submitted: academic abstracts and practitioner abstracts.
Submission portal for abstracts -