PRO Picks: Resources for Teaching Environmental Education, Chosen by Experts in the Field

As part of ee360, EPA tasked NAAEE with reducing the creation of new, duplicative EE materials and instead bringing attention to some of the finest resources in the field of EE. This online materials review, which we’re calling PRO Picks, asks experts in the field of EE to select what they believe to be top-quality resources aligned with the Guidelines for Excellence in Materials. Embedded into eePRO, the first PRO Picks are up and available for anyone to view. Visit to see what our PROs have started compiling.
- Each PRO has a biography so you’ll see why they’ve been selected by NAAEE.
- They've provided commentary on each resource to tell you why they picked it and how it stands out.
- We've included bullet points showing which key characteristics of the Guidelines for Excellence in Materials these resources address.
- We’ve added a PRO Pick logo to these selected resources.
NAAEE plans to add more topics, resources, and experts to this exciting new initiative. We’ll dig into what our users are searching for on our site to guide our topic selections but let us know if you have any areas of focus you want to get recommendations on.